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  • KILA Library - Catalogue

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41. India's economic problems by Uppal J.S Publication: New Delhi Tata McGraw Hill 1979 . 409p. Date: 1979 Availability: Items available: KILA HEADQUARTERS LIBRARY (1),

42. The Kerala municipal corporation act: With rules, notifications and case law by Ramakumar K Publication: Cochin 1986 . 460p Date: 1986 Availability: Items available: KILA HEADQUARTERS LIBRARY (1),

43. Ethical issues in accounting by Gowthorpe Catherine Publication: London Routledge 1998 . 207p. Date: 1998 Availability: Items available: KILA HEADQUARTERS LIBRARY (1),

44. Tax policy in the real world by Slemrod Joel Publication: United Kingdom Cambridge University Press 1999 . 512p Date: 1999 Availability: Items available: KILA HEADQUARTERS LIBRARY (1),

45. Tax reform in developing countries by Thirsk Wayne Publication: Washington DC The World Bank 1997 . 409p Date: 1997 Availability: Items available: KILA HEADQUARTERS LIBRARY (1),

46. Kerala Panchayat Raj Niyamavum Chattangalum (Malayalam) by Johnson Dominic Publication: Ernakulam Law Book Centre 2000 . 736p. Date: 2000 Availability: Items available: KILA HEADQUARTERS LIBRARY (1),

47. Kerala Panchayat Raj Niyamavum Chattangalum (Malayalam) by Johnson Dominic Publication: Ernakulam Law Book Centre 2000 . 736p. Date: 2000 Availability: Items available: KILA HEADQUARTERS LIBRARY (1),

48. Women imagine change: A global anthology of women's resistance from 600 B.C.E to present by DeLamotte Eugenia C Publication: New York Routledge 1997 . 518p. Date: 1997 Availability: Items available: KILA HEADQUARTERS LIBRARY (1),

49. Writings on international economics by Bhagwati Jagdish Publication: New Delhi Oxford University Press 1997 . 619p Date: 1997 Availability: Items available: KILA HEADQUARTERS LIBRARY (1),

50. Modern economics: An introduction for business and professional students by Harvey Jack Publication: London Macmillan Press Ltd 1969 . 558p Date: 1969 Availability: Items available: KILA HEADQUARTERS LIBRARY (1),

51. Indian economy by Datt Ruddar Publication: New Delhi S. Chand & Company Ltd 1965 . 960p Date: 1965 Availability: Items available: KILA HEADQUARTERS LIBRARY (1),

52. Handbook of development economics by Chenery Hollis Publication: Amsterdam Elsevier 1989 . 1773p.: v-2 Date: 1989 Availability: Items available: KILA HEADQUARTERS LIBRARY (1),

53. The Kerala panchayat law manual - containing the Kerala panchayat raj act and the rules by Johnson Dominic Publication: Kochi Law Books Centre 2002 . 496p Date: 2002 Availability: Items available: KILA HEADQUARTERS LIBRARY (1),

54. The Kerala panchayat law manual - containing the Kerala panchayat raj act and the rules by Johnson Dominic Publication: Kochi Law Books Centre 2002 . 496p Date: 2002 Availability: Items available: KILA HEADQUARTERS LIBRARY (1),

55. Kerala gazette: Kerala panchayat raj act 1994   Publication: Kerala Sarkar 1994 . 205p Date: 1994 Availability: Items available: KILA HEADQUARTERS LIBRARY (1),

56. Kerala gazette   Publication: Government of Kerala 1995 . 161p Date: 1995 Availability: Items available: KILA HEADQUARTERS LIBRARY (2),

57. Revitalisation of panchayati raj in India: Problems and prospects by Rajiv Gandhi Foundation Publication: New Delhi Rajiv Gandhi Foundation 1997 . 60p. Date: 1997 Availability: Items available: KILA HEADQUARTERS LIBRARY (2),

58. Kerala panchayat raj niyama sahayi: 1994 le Kerala panchayat raj niyamam 1999 leth ulppede ella bethagathikalodum koodi lalithavalkarichath   Publication: Mulamkunnathukavu Kerala Institute of Local Administration 1999 . 208p. Date: 1999 Availability: No items available:

59. Urban development and management by Goel S.L Publication: New Delhi Deep and Deep Publications 2002 . 429p. Date: 2002 Availability: Items available: KILA HEADQUARTERS LIBRARY (1),

60. State and local government by Bowman Ann O'M Publication: New York Houghton Mifflin Company 2002 . 528p Date: 2002 Availability: Items available: KILA HEADQUARTERS LIBRARY (1),

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