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Indian economy

by Datt Ruddar
Additional authors: Sundharam K.P.M
Published by : S. Chand & Company Ltd (New Delhi) Physical details: 960p ISBN:81-219-0298-3.
Subject(s): India in Economic conditions in 1991- -- India in Economic policy in 1991- -- Economic history. -- Underdevelopment and the Indian economy : Characters of Indian economy, Economic growth and human development -- Economic transition in India: Indian economy in Pre-British period, Indian handicrafts and progressive ruralisation of the Indian economy, Land system during 1793-1850, Commercialisation of agriculture, Famines, Industrialisation, Colonialism and modernization -- National income of India: nation Income estimates in India, Trends in national income -- Human resource and economic development : Demographic transition, Growth rate of population in India, Quantitative population growth differentials in different countries, sex compositions of population, age, density of population, national popularization policy, population projections for India -- Occupational structure and economic development -- natural resource , economic development an environmental degradation -- Infrastructure in the Indian economy : Economic development, Transport system in India, Indian railways, Civil aviation , Communication system, Urban infrastructure , Private investment -- Planning and economic development -- Objectives and strategy of economic planning, Mixed economy, Rao-Manmohan model of development, Industrial policy and Indian Planning, Industrial policy resolution, Industrial licensing policy, Industrial policy statement, Liberalisation of Industrial licensing , industrial policy -- Public sector and Indian planning : Price policy in Public enterprises, Public sector undertakings -- Private sector, joint sector and Indian planning , Redefining the role of the state, Socialist society, Privatization and economic reforms, Second generation reforms, Five year planning in India, 8th five year plan, employment, mid-tern appraisal of the ninth plan, problem of capital formation, Mobilisation of domestic savings, Human capital formation, Foreign capital, foreign aid and economic development, poverty , inequality and the planning process in India, Per capita private consumption expenditure, Ninth plan and poverty projections, poverty eradication programmes, Parallel economy in India, black money, Black income, -- Unemployment in India, National rural employment programme, Rural landless employment guarantee programme, IRDP, NREP, Rural poverty and employment, Jawahar rozgar yojana, Employment and unemployment rate in 55th round of NSS -- Self-reliance and economic growth in India, Large industrial houses and construction of economic power in India, Monopolies and restrictive trade practices act 1970, Reversal of policies towards MRTP,Competition policy and Law report -- Prices, price policy and economic growth , Price movement since independence, Agricultural price policy -- Balanced Regional development : Regional imbalance, Industrial backwardness , Regional disparities, Regional planning -- Agriculture in the national economy -- agriculture productivity trends and crop patterns, Food security in India, Food self-sufficiency and the food security in India, State-wise area production and yield of food grains, Public distribution system,Green revolution, Irrigation and agricultural inputs, Multipurpose river valley projects, Fertilisers and manures, HYV seeds, Soil conservation and reclamation, Animal husbandry and dairy development, Mechanisation of agriculture, land reforms, Ceiling on land holdings, Size of farms and productive efficiency , Economic holdings, Farm size productivity profitability and farm efficency, Sub-division and fragmentation of holdings, Co-operative farming , Organisation of rural credit in India, Long term rural credit, Commercial banks in rural credit, Lead bank scheme(LBS), Regional rural bank(RRB), NABARD, Agricultural marketing and warehousing, Agricultural taxation in India, Agricultural labour -- Indian industries -- Industrial patterns and the plans, Large scale industries, Iron and steel industry, cotton and synthetic textile industry, Jute industry, Sugar, Cement , Paper and Petrochemical industry , Small scale enterprises, Sickness in Indian industry, labour problems and labour policy, Trade union movements, Industrial disputes , Social security measures in India, national wage policy -- Tertiary sector in the Indian economy -- Foreign trade of India, India's balance of payment, GATT, WTO and India's foreign trade, Uruguay round of negotiations, Globalisation , Globalization, Indian currency system, Foreign exchange management act FEMA), Indian and international financial institutions, Indian financial system: Commercial banking system, Indegenous banks, Narasimhan committee 1991, Reforms of the banking sector -- Indian financial system II: Money and capital market in India , Non-banking finance companies (NBFCs), Merchant banking, Leasing and hire purchase companies, Mutual funds, Venture capital companies, Stock exchange in India, SEBI and capital market reforms -- Indian financial system III : development financial institutions, Industrial finance corporation of India(IFCI), State financial corporation, Industrial credit and investment corporation of India (ICIC), Industrial development banks in Indian (IDBI), Small industries development banks of India (SIDBI), Industrial investment bank of India (IIBI), Investment institutions, Specialized development financial institutions, Export-Import banks of India, Exim Bank, Reserve bank of India (RBI) and monetary management, Financial relations between the centre and the state, Indian public finance, Taxation, Public debt, Central government budget, Government subsidies in India, Tenth plan: approach paper , Information technology (IT) industry,
Year: 1965
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