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41. Participatory communication: Working for change and development by White Shirley A Publication: New Delhi Sage Publications 1994 . 470p Date: 1994 Availability: Items available: KILA HEADQUARTERS LIBRARY (1),

42. A critical analysis of India's community development programme by Taylor Carl C Publication: New Delhi The Community Project Administration . 62p. Availability: No items available:

43. Summary record of sixth development: Commissioners conference on community projects held at Mussoorie, 26th to 30th April, 1957. by India, Ministry of Community Development. Publication: New Delhi Ministry of community development, Government of India 1957 . 530p. Date: 1957 Availability: Items available: KILA HEADQUARTERS LIBRARY (1),

44. National conference on community development at Mysore city (23rd to 28th July 1959): Main recommendations and conclusions   Publication: Ministry of Community Development and Co-operation . 82p. Availability: No items available:

45. Guidelines for rural centre planning by United Nations Publication: . 367p. Availability: Items available: KILA HEADQUARTERS LIBRARY (1),

46. Managing local government: Public administration in practice by Bingham Richard D Publication: Newbury Park Sage 1991 . 363p. Date: 1991 Availability: Items available: KILA HEADQUARTERS LIBRARY (1),

47. Panchayati raj: The role of panchayats in integrated rural development by Shah B.L Publication: New Delhi Cosmo 1990 . 198p Date: 1990 Availability: Items available: KILA HEADQUARTERS LIBRARY (1),

48. Urban policy in practice by Blackman Tim Publication: London Routledge 1995 . 337p Date: 1995 Availability: Items available: KILA HEADQUARTERS LIBRARY (1),

49. The human face of the urban environment: a report to the development community on the second annual Conference on Environmentally Sustainable Development sponsored by the World Bank and held at the National Academy of Sciences and the World Bank, Washington, D.C., September 19-23, 1994 by Serageldin Ismail Publication: Washington The World Bank 1994 . 55p. Date: 1994 Availability: No items available:

50. Community forestry: Participatory assessment, monitoring and evaluation by Davis-Case D'Arcy Publication: Rome FAO 1989 . 150p Date: 1989 Availability: No items available:

51. Human settlements sector review: Sri Lanka by UNCHS Publication: Nairobi UNCHS 1992 . 65p. Date: 1992 Availability: No items available:

52. The councilor as enabler by UNCHS Publication: Nairobi UNCHS 1996 . 42p. Date: 1996 Availability: Items available: KILA HEADQUARTERS LIBRARY (1),

53. World class: Thriving locally in the global economy by Kanter Rosabeth Moss Publication: New York Touchstone 1997 . 416p. Date: 1997 Availability: Items available: KILA HEADQUARTERS LIBRARY (1),

54. Towards participatory research by Narayan Deepa Publication: Washington The World Bank 1996 . 265p Date: 1996 Availability: No items available:

55. Procurement and disbursement manual for projects with community participation by Gopal Gita Publication: Washington The World Bank 1995 . 130p. Date: 1995 Availability: No items available:

56. The economic evaluation of projects: Papers from a curriculum development workshop by Davies David G Publication: Washington The World Bank 1996 . 132p Date: 1996 Availability: No items available:

57. The rain decided to help us: Participatory watershed management in the state of Maharashtra, India by Lobo Crispino Publication: Washington The World Bank 1995 . xi, 66 p Date: 1995 Availability: No items available:

58. Nongovernmental organisations and local development by Cernea Michael M Publication: Washington The World Bank 1988 . 63p. Date: 1988 Availability: No items available:

59. Urban India in crisis by Singh Kulwant;Steinberg Florian Publication: New Delhi New Age International 1996 . 465p Date: 1996 Availability: Items available: KILA HEADQUARTERS LIBRARY (1),

60. Rural sociology in India by Desai A.R Publication: Bombay Popular Prakasan 1997 . 968p Date: 1997 Availability: Items available: KILA HEADQUARTERS LIBRARY (1),

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