Self-sufficient agriculture : Labour and knowledge in small-scale farming
by Tripp Robert
Published by : Earthscan (London) Physical details: 242p. ISBN:1-84407-297-5.
Agricultural innovations in Developing countries.
Sustainable agriculture in Developing countries.
Farms, Small in Developing countries.
Low external-input technology (LEIT) and agricultural development, examples of LEIT and farmer focused development strategies, soil and water management, labour/labor, information and agricultural technology
Impact of LEIT- evidence from literature- poverty focus of low external input technology, economic incentives, human capital, political movements in support of LEIT, social capital and information flow, learning from success- revisitingexperiences of LEIT adoption by hillside farmers in central honduras, conservation of committee- catchment approach to soil and water conservation in Kenya, national soil and water conservation program, soil and water conservation, social capital
outcome of farmer field schools in southern Sri Lanka- integrate pest management, farmer field schools, trajectory of low external input agriculture
Year: 2006
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