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Mainstreaming gender in debt and development resource management: A handbook for debt practitioners and gender advocates

by Dodhia Dinesh
Additional authors: Johnson Tina
Series: Debt Management Series Published by : Common Wealth Secretariat (Untied Kingdom) Physical details: 168p. ISBN:0-85092-776-5.
Subject(s): Debt Management -- Gender Equality -- Economic development projects -- Sex discrimination -- Government policy -- Women in development -- Commonwealth countries -- Commonwealth efforts to promote gender equality, promoting better debt management- role of commonwealth, debt and gender- objectives and organizations of this handbook -- Debt management : Financing development through borrowing, evolution, causes and impact of debt problem, shift to bond financing, heavily indebted poor countries - HIPCs, domestic debt, functions of debt management and typical loan cycle, social impact of debt and adjustment -- Case for gender equality: Continuing inequalities between men and women, international framework for gender equality, economic case for gender equality, moving towards gender equality -- Links between debt and gender and need for gender mainstreaming : Gender impact of debt- understanding linkages, negative gender impacts of stabilization and structural adjustment, addressing social costs of adjustement, poverty reduction strategy papers, MTEFs, budget and gender, inadequacy of current macroeconomic models -- Current trends towards gender equality in multilateral and bilateral development assistance : Overall donors policies and practices, donor's gender mainstreaming strategies in key sectors, attention to gender- rhetoric or reality -- Limitations of current approach : Weaknesses in donor priorities, policies and practices, weaknesses in mainstreaming gender in debt management in borrowing countries, general weakness in gender mainstreaming in developing countries -- Framework for gender mainstreaming in debt and developing resource management : Overall policy environment for gender mainstreaming, budget and gender, external debt management loan cycle and gender, possible framework for recording gender integration in CS-DRMS, building institutional capacity for gender mainstreaming -- gender & development
Year: 2005
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