Dodhia Dinesh
Mainstreaming gender in debt and development resource management: A handbook for debt practitioners and gender advocates - Untied Kingdom Common Wealth Secretariat 2005 - 168p. - Debt Management Series .
Debt Management
Gender Equality
Economic development projects
Sex discrimination
Government policy
Women in development
Commonwealth countries
Commonwealth efforts to promote gender equality, promoting better debt management- role of commonwealth, debt and gender- objectives and organizations of this handbook
Debt management : Financing development through borrowing, evolution, causes and impact of debt problem, shift to bond financing, heavily indebted poor countries - HIPCs, domestic debt, functions of debt management and typical loan cycle, social impact of debt and adjustment
Case for gender equality: Continuing inequalities between men and women, international framework for gender equality, economic case for gender equality, moving towards gender equality
Links between debt and gender and need for gender mainstreaming : Gender impact of debt- understanding linkages, negative gender impacts of stabilization and structural adjustment, addressing social costs of adjustement, poverty reduction strategy papers, MTEFs, budget and gender, inadequacy of current macroeconomic models
Current trends towards gender equality in multilateral and bilateral development assistance : Overall donors policies and practices, donor's gender mainstreaming strategies in key sectors, attention to gender- rhetoric or reality
Limitations of current approach : Weaknesses in donor priorities, policies and practices, weaknesses in mainstreaming gender in debt management in borrowing countries, general weakness in gender mainstreaming in developing countries
Framework for gender mainstreaming in debt and developing resource management : Overall policy environment for gender mainstreaming, budget and gender, external debt management loan cycle and gender, possible framework for recording gender integration in CS-DRMS, building institutional capacity for gender mainstreaming
gender & development
362.83 / DOD/M
Mainstreaming gender in debt and development resource management: A handbook for debt practitioners and gender advocates - Untied Kingdom Common Wealth Secretariat 2005 - 168p. - Debt Management Series .
Debt Management
Gender Equality
Economic development projects
Sex discrimination
Government policy
Women in development
Commonwealth countries
Commonwealth efforts to promote gender equality, promoting better debt management- role of commonwealth, debt and gender- objectives and organizations of this handbook
Debt management : Financing development through borrowing, evolution, causes and impact of debt problem, shift to bond financing, heavily indebted poor countries - HIPCs, domestic debt, functions of debt management and typical loan cycle, social impact of debt and adjustment
Case for gender equality: Continuing inequalities between men and women, international framework for gender equality, economic case for gender equality, moving towards gender equality
Links between debt and gender and need for gender mainstreaming : Gender impact of debt- understanding linkages, negative gender impacts of stabilization and structural adjustment, addressing social costs of adjustement, poverty reduction strategy papers, MTEFs, budget and gender, inadequacy of current macroeconomic models
Current trends towards gender equality in multilateral and bilateral development assistance : Overall donors policies and practices, donor's gender mainstreaming strategies in key sectors, attention to gender- rhetoric or reality
Limitations of current approach : Weaknesses in donor priorities, policies and practices, weaknesses in mainstreaming gender in debt management in borrowing countries, general weakness in gender mainstreaming in developing countries
Framework for gender mainstreaming in debt and developing resource management : Overall policy environment for gender mainstreaming, budget and gender, external debt management loan cycle and gender, possible framework for recording gender integration in CS-DRMS, building institutional capacity for gender mainstreaming
gender & development
362.83 / DOD/M