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Building a weapons of mass destruction free zone in the middle east:- Global non-proliferation regimes and regional experiences

by Vilmos Cserveny
Published by : United Nations Institue for Disarmamanet Research (UNIDIR) (Switzerland) Physical details: 140p ISBN:92-9045-168-8.
Subject(s): Nuclear weapon free zones in Middle East - Congresses. -- State of the world on weapons of mass destruction control regimes- overview, assessment and use of a weapons of mass destruction free zone in middle east : Arms control and disarmament today, nuclear weapons, chemical weapons, biological weapons, missiles, weapon free zone -- Towards a successful 2005 NPT review conference- issues of university, compliance and implementation of middle east resolution : Review process for the treaty, outlook for 2005 NPT review conference -- Strengthening the role of BTWC and CWC : CWC- similarities and differences in two regimes, WMDFZ in middle east- chemical and biological perspective, chemical and biological weapons, regional focus and regional solutions -- Latin America experience in establishing a nuclear weapon free zone : Common features of NWFZs, background to treaty of Tlatelolco -- Nuclear weapon free zone treaties- benefits and deficiencies : Guidelines for decentralized zone, treaty of Tlatelolco, treaty of Rarotonga, declaration on Korea, treaty of Bangkok, treaty of Pelindaba, negotiations for the denuclearization of central Asia -- Role of the international atomic energy agency in verifying non proliferation commitments and in promoting the application of comprehensive safeguards in the context of efforts towards a zone free of nuclear and other weapons of mass destruction in middle east : Non proliferation challenges, proliferation problematique, nuclear verification, nuclear and weapons of mass destruction free zone in middle east -- Principles of establishing a middle east weapons of mass destruction free zone monitoring and verification system : Global support to establish a middle east weapon of mass destruction free zone, lessons learned from the nuclear weapon free zone movements and other non-proliferation, arms control and disarmament developments, establishment of a middle east, weapons of mass destruction free zone, principles for monitoring and verification system -- Establishment of a zone free of mass destruction weapons in the region of the middle east - requirements and constraints : Weapons of mass destruction free zone in middle east, requirements and constraints for establishment of a weapons of mass destruction free zone in middle east, Israel and nuclear weapon free zone in middle east -- Middle east weapons of mass destruction free zone- regional security and non proliferation issues : Reasons for defence and armament trends in middle east, evolution of the idea of a weapons of mass destruction free zone in middle east
Year: 2004
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