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  • KILA Library - Catalogue

  • KILA Library - Catalogue

Vilmos Cserveny

Building a weapons of mass destruction free zone in the middle east:- Global non-proliferation regimes and regional experiences - Switzerland United Nations Institue for Disarmamanet Research (UNIDIR) 2004 - 140p


Nuclear weapon free zones in Middle East - Congresses.
State of the world on weapons of mass destruction control regimes- overview, assessment and use of a weapons of mass destruction free zone in middle east : Arms control and disarmament today, nuclear weapons, chemical weapons, biological weapons, missiles, weapon free zone
Towards a successful 2005 NPT review conference- issues of university, compliance and implementation of middle east resolution : Review process for the treaty, outlook for 2005 NPT review conference
Strengthening the role of BTWC and CWC : CWC- similarities and differences in two regimes, WMDFZ in middle east- chemical and biological perspective, chemical and biological weapons, regional focus and regional solutions
Latin America experience in establishing a nuclear weapon free zone : Common features of NWFZs, background to treaty of Tlatelolco
Nuclear weapon free zone treaties- benefits and deficiencies : Guidelines for decentralized zone, treaty of Tlatelolco, treaty of Rarotonga, declaration on Korea, treaty of Bangkok, treaty of Pelindaba, negotiations for the denuclearization of central Asia
Role of the international atomic energy agency in verifying non proliferation commitments and in promoting the application of comprehensive safeguards in the context of efforts towards a zone free of nuclear and other weapons of mass destruction in middle east : Non proliferation challenges, proliferation problematique, nuclear verification, nuclear and weapons of mass destruction free zone in middle east
Principles of establishing a middle east weapons of mass destruction free zone monitoring and verification system : Global support to establish a middle east weapon of mass destruction free zone, lessons learned from the nuclear weapon free zone movements and other non-proliferation, arms control and disarmament developments, establishment of a middle east, weapons of mass destruction free zone, principles for monitoring and verification system
Establishment of a zone free of mass destruction weapons in the region of the middle east - requirements and constraints : Weapons of mass destruction free zone in middle east, requirements and constraints for establishment of a weapons of mass destruction free zone in middle east, Israel and nuclear weapon free zone in middle east
Middle east weapons of mass destruction free zone- regional security and non proliferation issues : Reasons for defence and armament trends in middle east, evolution of the idea of a weapons of mass destruction free zone in middle east

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