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Representative Bureacracy: Classis readings and continuing controversies

by Dolan Julie
Additional authors: Rosenbloom David H
Published by : M.E.Sharpe (London) Physical details: 218p. ISBN:0-7656-0961-4.
Subject(s): Bureaucracy -- Representative government and representation -- Public administration -- Social Changes -- Theoretical underpinning- why does the social background of public administrators matter: representative bureaucracy, democracy and public service, representative bureaucracy -- Public personnel policy and social representation- how does polices for recruitment, selection, promotion, pay and retention affect representative bureaucracy : Measuring bureaucratic representation and integration, curious case of women in state and local government, black employment in municipal jobs- impact of black political power -- Social representation and public administrators- World views - what is the linkage between social background and civil servants policy preferences : Bureaucracy and social change, representative bureaucracy and policy preferences, passive and active representation in federal services, policy preference on workplace reform -- Social background, life experience and policy advocacy- why do civil servants act on policy preferences derived from their social backgrounds and life experiences : Minority groups in public bureaucracies, impact of representative bureaucracies - educational systems and public polices, bureaucracy as a representative institution- toward a reconciliation of bureaucratic government and democratic theory, progress towards achieving a representative federal bureaucracy- impact of supervisors and their belief -- Reinventing government and representative bureaucracy- impacts of employee empowerment, outsourcing and entrepreneurship : Empowering employees to egt results, demand side perspective on importance of representative on importance of representative bureaucracy. faith based furor, entrepreneurship in public sector- on the horns of a dilemma, limits of privatism
Year: 2003
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