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The International Working - Class Movement: Problems of History and Theory

by Ponomarev, B N
Published by : Progres Publishers (Moscow ) Physical details: 694p
Subject(s): Labour Movement -- Socialism in History -- labour movements in capitalist countries in the early post-war years(1945-1955) -- Outcome of the second world war and the labour movement in developed capitalist countries (1945-47) -- New international situation and prospects for the working class struggles problems of the post-war labour movement -- Communist parties effort towards radical democratic transformation : results achieved in the early post-war years -- Working class movement and the cold war (1940s-1950s) -- Beginning of the cold war and the growing complexity of the international conditions of the working class struggles -- Left wing and the workers struggle in France, Italy and Japan -- Labour movements in other developed capitalist countries -- Peculiarities of the labour movements in the late 40s and the first half of 50s -- Growing ideological and organisational delimitation in the international labour market -- Working class in capitalist countries against the background of the advance of the forces of socialism and deepening contradictions of capitalism -- Change on the international and home fronts of the working-class struggle -- International situation in 1955-1980 -- Technological revolution, state monopoly capitalism and working class -- Social development of the working class -- Working class and its role in the development of productive forces -- Industrial proletariat, Foreign workers, Agricultural proletariat, Proletarian detachments of office workers, Semi-proletarian and transitional strata. working class and the intelligentsia -- Economic position of the working class -- Methods of capitalist exploitations and working class conditions -- Unemployment, wages, working class consumption patterns -- Development of the social psychology of the working class -- Impact of the post-war socio-political situation on the mass consciousness of the working class -- Growing anti-monopolists and anti-capitalist trends in the consciousness of the working class -- Labour movement upsurge and capitalist worsening general crisis -- labour movement and capitalisms deepening social contradictions -- Socio-economic issues of the labour movement -1950-80 -- The working class and intensified social and politica contradictions of capitalism -- Mass labour movement in the late 1950s and early 1960s -- Labour movement switches from defence to attack -- Distinctive features of the labour movement in various countries -- Developing of working class socio-economic struggle in the late 1960s and 1970s -- Upsurge and new features of the mass strike movements -- Enhanced role of trade unions in class struggle -- Labour movement Vis-a vis growing internationalisation of capital -- Working class struggle for social progress in the main capitalist states -- May 1968 in France and struggle for left unity -- Italian working class struggle for democratic change -- Shifts in the British labour market -- West German labour movements in the small coalition period -- US labour movement during the socio-political crisis -- Worsening class contradictions in Japan -- Labour movements and the break up of fascist regimes in western Europe (Greece, Portugal , Spain) -- Left-wing forces of Portugal in the anti-fascist revolution and in the struggle to defend the gains made in that revolution -- Overthrow of the military -fascist dictatorship in Greece and activation of the Labour movements -- Working class in struggle to eradicate francoism and democratise their country -- Growing political activity of the working class in the small capitalist countries of western Europe and in Canada, Australia, New Zealand -- Activation of the working class movement in the small capitalist countries of western Europe -- Activation of the working class in Australia, New Zealand, Canada -- Basic trends and conflicts in the development of the working class movement in the smaller countries of western Europe and in Australia, New Zealand and Canada -- Political and ideological issues of the working class movements -- Ideological and political evolution of social democracy during the new stage of the general crisis of capitalism -- Revisionism of the early 50s and late 60s and sharpening party infighting -- Technocratic deviation by reformist leaders and its social and political consequence -- Social democracy and mounting labour movement in the late 60s and early 70s -- Return ideology in the early 70s -- Social democracy and the deepening general crisis of capitalism -- Fight for working class political unity in the interest of peace, democracy and social progress -- New international and national conditions and the problem of unity -- Strengthening of Unitarian tendencies within the working class and democratic movements -- Communist party is the decisive force in the fight for the political unity of the working class -- Vital issues of working politics and the social democratic movement -- Co-operation between communist and socialist in the fight got detente
Year: 1987
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