Ponomarev, B N
The International Working - Class Movement: Problems of History and Theory - Moscow Progres Publishers 1987 - 694p
Labour Movement
Socialism in History
labour movements in capitalist countries in the early post-war years(1945-1955)
Outcome of the second world war and the labour movement in developed capitalist countries (1945-47)
New international situation and prospects for the working class struggles problems of the post-war labour movement
Communist parties effort towards radical democratic transformation : results achieved in the early post-war years
Working class movement and the cold war (1940s-1950s)
Beginning of the cold war and the growing complexity of the international conditions of the working class struggles
Left wing and the workers struggle in France, Italy and Japan
Labour movements in other developed capitalist countries
Peculiarities of the labour movements in the late 40s and the first half of 50s
Growing ideological and organisational delimitation in the international labour market
Working class in capitalist countries against the background of the advance of the forces of socialism and deepening contradictions of capitalism
Change on the international and home fronts of the working-class struggle
International situation in 1955-1980
Technological revolution, state monopoly capitalism and working class
Social development of the working class
Working class and its role in the development of productive forces
Industrial proletariat, Foreign workers, Agricultural proletariat, Proletarian detachments of office workers, Semi-proletarian and transitional strata. working class and the intelligentsia
Economic position of the working class
Methods of capitalist exploitations and working class conditions
Unemployment, wages, working class consumption patterns
Development of the social psychology of the working class
Impact of the post-war socio-political situation on the mass consciousness of the working class
Growing anti-monopolists and anti-capitalist trends in the consciousness of the working class
Labour movement upsurge and capitalist worsening general crisis
labour movement and capitalisms deepening social contradictions
Socio-economic issues of the labour movement -1950-80
The working class and intensified social and politica contradictions of capitalism
Mass labour movement in the late 1950s and early 1960s
Labour movement switches from defence to attack
Distinctive features of the labour movement in various countries
Developing of working class socio-economic struggle in the late 1960s and 1970s
Upsurge and new features of the mass strike movements
Enhanced role of trade unions in class struggle
Labour movement Vis-a vis growing internationalisation of capital
Working class struggle for social progress in the main capitalist states
May 1968 in France and struggle for left unity
Italian working class struggle for democratic change
Shifts in the British labour market
West German labour movements in the small coalition period
US labour movement during the socio-political crisis
Worsening class contradictions in Japan
Labour movements and the break up of fascist regimes in western Europe (Greece, Portugal , Spain)
Left-wing forces of Portugal in the anti-fascist revolution and in the struggle to defend the gains made in that revolution
Overthrow of the military -fascist dictatorship in Greece and activation of the Labour movements
Working class in struggle to eradicate francoism and democratise their country
Growing political activity of the working class in the small capitalist countries of western Europe and in Canada, Australia, New Zealand
Activation of the working class movement in the small capitalist countries of western Europe
Activation of the working class in Australia, New Zealand, Canada
Basic trends and conflicts in the development of the working class movement in the smaller countries of western Europe and in Australia, New Zealand and Canada
Political and ideological issues of the working class movements
Ideological and political evolution of social democracy during the new stage of the general crisis of capitalism
Revisionism of the early 50s and late 60s and sharpening party infighting
Technocratic deviation by reformist leaders and its social and political consequence
Social democracy and mounting labour movement in the late 60s and early 70s
Return ideology in the early 70s
Social democracy and the deepening general crisis of capitalism
Fight for working class political unity in the interest of peace, democracy and social progress
New international and national conditions and the problem of unity
Strengthening of Unitarian tendencies within the working class and democratic movements
Communist party is the decisive force in the fight for the political unity of the working class
Vital issues of working politics and the social democratic movement
Co-operation between communist and socialist in the fight got detente
324.1 / PON/I
The International Working - Class Movement: Problems of History and Theory - Moscow Progres Publishers 1987 - 694p
Labour Movement
Socialism in History
labour movements in capitalist countries in the early post-war years(1945-1955)
Outcome of the second world war and the labour movement in developed capitalist countries (1945-47)
New international situation and prospects for the working class struggles problems of the post-war labour movement
Communist parties effort towards radical democratic transformation : results achieved in the early post-war years
Working class movement and the cold war (1940s-1950s)
Beginning of the cold war and the growing complexity of the international conditions of the working class struggles
Left wing and the workers struggle in France, Italy and Japan
Labour movements in other developed capitalist countries
Peculiarities of the labour movements in the late 40s and the first half of 50s
Growing ideological and organisational delimitation in the international labour market
Working class in capitalist countries against the background of the advance of the forces of socialism and deepening contradictions of capitalism
Change on the international and home fronts of the working-class struggle
International situation in 1955-1980
Technological revolution, state monopoly capitalism and working class
Social development of the working class
Working class and its role in the development of productive forces
Industrial proletariat, Foreign workers, Agricultural proletariat, Proletarian detachments of office workers, Semi-proletarian and transitional strata. working class and the intelligentsia
Economic position of the working class
Methods of capitalist exploitations and working class conditions
Unemployment, wages, working class consumption patterns
Development of the social psychology of the working class
Impact of the post-war socio-political situation on the mass consciousness of the working class
Growing anti-monopolists and anti-capitalist trends in the consciousness of the working class
Labour movement upsurge and capitalist worsening general crisis
labour movement and capitalisms deepening social contradictions
Socio-economic issues of the labour movement -1950-80
The working class and intensified social and politica contradictions of capitalism
Mass labour movement in the late 1950s and early 1960s
Labour movement switches from defence to attack
Distinctive features of the labour movement in various countries
Developing of working class socio-economic struggle in the late 1960s and 1970s
Upsurge and new features of the mass strike movements
Enhanced role of trade unions in class struggle
Labour movement Vis-a vis growing internationalisation of capital
Working class struggle for social progress in the main capitalist states
May 1968 in France and struggle for left unity
Italian working class struggle for democratic change
Shifts in the British labour market
West German labour movements in the small coalition period
US labour movement during the socio-political crisis
Worsening class contradictions in Japan
Labour movements and the break up of fascist regimes in western Europe (Greece, Portugal , Spain)
Left-wing forces of Portugal in the anti-fascist revolution and in the struggle to defend the gains made in that revolution
Overthrow of the military -fascist dictatorship in Greece and activation of the Labour movements
Working class in struggle to eradicate francoism and democratise their country
Growing political activity of the working class in the small capitalist countries of western Europe and in Canada, Australia, New Zealand
Activation of the working class movement in the small capitalist countries of western Europe
Activation of the working class in Australia, New Zealand, Canada
Basic trends and conflicts in the development of the working class movement in the smaller countries of western Europe and in Australia, New Zealand and Canada
Political and ideological issues of the working class movements
Ideological and political evolution of social democracy during the new stage of the general crisis of capitalism
Revisionism of the early 50s and late 60s and sharpening party infighting
Technocratic deviation by reformist leaders and its social and political consequence
Social democracy and mounting labour movement in the late 60s and early 70s
Return ideology in the early 70s
Social democracy and the deepening general crisis of capitalism
Fight for working class political unity in the interest of peace, democracy and social progress
New international and national conditions and the problem of unity
Strengthening of Unitarian tendencies within the working class and democratic movements
Communist party is the decisive force in the fight for the political unity of the working class
Vital issues of working politics and the social democratic movement
Co-operation between communist and socialist in the fight got detente
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