Elections:- Model code of conduct - A reference handbook
by Saha K C
Published by : Shipra Publications (New Delhi) Physical details: 136p ISBN:81-7541-259-3.
transfer and posting of officials
party in power
Model code of conduct and its applicability
Requisition of officers and staff for election and requisition of vehicles: Authorities required to make available staff, deployment of home guards/forest guards/ ex-service men, women polling personnel, officers and staff whose services cannot be requisitioned, Polling officers, disciplinary functions of election commission, compensation in the event of death/ injury to polling personnel, compensation for private vehicles requisitioned in case of accident, loss or damage
Transfer/posting of officials : Officials connected with revision of electoral rolls, conducting election, debarred officials
Appointments, services matters and promotions
Finalization of tenders, procurement of stores, settlement of sairats etc./ implementation of development schemes/relief work/welfare measures
Other administrative measures : Declation of holidays on poll day, arms license, declaration of dry day, videography of activities of candidates, maximum number of persons and vehicles at the time of filling of nomination
Party in power duties and responsibilities, affidavits to be filed along with nomination papers, oath at the time of filing of nomination
Campaigning/ telecast and broadcast, poll day and counting day, election expenses of candidates/political parties
Security of special protection group (SPG) protectees inside the polling booth
Year: 2005
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