Readings in political economy
by Basu Kaushik
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Bookwell Publishers
Physical details: 398p
organisation theory
Extracts from Leviathan
First principles of Government
Institutions, markets and political power
Place of institution in the economy: a Theoretical perspective
Transaction cost economics and organization theory
The role of institutions in the revival of trade: the law merchant, private judges and the champagne fairs
Institutions and international trade: Commercial revolution
Implications from the disequilibrium of majority rule for the study of institutions
Alternative conceptions of the state
Coase theorem and the theory of the state
Dictatorship , democracy and development
Will Free trade with political science put normative economists out of work
On misunderstanding government: an analysis of the art of policy advice
Government and agency
Multi task principles-agent analysis: incentive contracts, asset ownership and job design
Internet organisation of government
Power of incentives in private vs public organisations and extracts from The making of economic policy
The political process, voting and public choice
Statics and dynamics of party ideologies
Rationality and social choice
Economic model of representative democracy
Distributive politics and economic growth
Inequality harmful for growth
Social norms and economic incentives in the welfare state
Year: 2003
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