Interlinking of rivers in india:issues and concerns
by Mirza,Monirul qader
Published by : Taylor7Francis group (London) Physical details: 298p ISBN:041540469-x.
Water management
River engineering in India.
Rivers in India.
Water resources development in India.
Interlinking of rivers in India : India's water resources and its development, globalization, rapid economic development and looming water crisis, international legal implications
Interlinking of rivers- experience from across the world
Vital links : Projected benefits assessed by NWDA, national perspective plan- Himalayan rivers development and peninsular rivers development
Interlinking of indian rivers- questions on scientific, economic and environmental dimensions of proposal : Domestic water security in drought prone areas in India, India's food security, conflicts related to water
Systems approach to interlinking rivers in india- examination of viability, impact of interlinking of rivers on Nepal, modeling interlinking of Gages rive, HEC-HMS Ganges model, India's energy future and interlinking of rivers, India's state electricity boards, potential public health implications of interlinking of rivers in India, living in downstream- development in Peril, assessment of India river linking plan- closer look at Ken-Betwa pilot link, implications of climate change in south Asia on interlinking project of Indian rivers, interlinking of rivers in India - international and regional legal aspects, indigenous knowledge systems of water management in India, water based cooperation in GBM region with particular focus on interlinking for rivers in India, hydrological impact on Bangladesh of Chinese and Indian plans on Brahmaputra, could Bangladesh benefit from river linking project
Year: 2008
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