• KILA Library - Catalogue

  • KILA Library - Catalogue

  • KILA Library - Catalogue

Your search returned 16 results. Subscribe to this search

1. An outline of the infectious diseases of domestic animals by Merchant Ival Arthur Publication: New Delhi Oxford & IBH Publishing 1964 . 478p Date: 1964 Availability: No items available:

2. Community-based animal healthcare: A practical guide to improving primary veterinary services by Catley Andy Publication: London ITDG Publishing 2002 . 360p. Date: 2002 Availability: Items available: KILA HEADQUARTERS LIBRARY (1),

3. Diagnostic methods in veterinary medicine by Boddie, George F. Publication: London Oliver and boyd 1956 . xi,412p. Date: 1956 Availability: Items available: KILA - IPPL Library (1),

4. Handbook on the handling of animals and first aid by National Veterinary Medical Association of Great Britain and Ireland Publication: London National Veterinary Medical Association of Great Britain and Ireland . 172p. Availability: Items available: KILA - IPPL Library (1),

5. The practice of veterinary medicine by Udall, D. H. Publication: Newyork George Banta Publishing 1954 . x,811p. Date: 1954 Availability: Items available: KILA - IPPL Library (2),

6. Livestock health encyclopedia by Seiden, Rudolph( ed.) Publication: Newyork Springer 1952 . x,614p. Date: 1952 Availability: Items available: KILA - IPPL Library (1),

7. Veterinary pathology and bacteriology, by Davies, Gwilym O. Publication: London Bailliere ,Tindall and cox 1960 . vi,803p. Date: 1960 Availability: Items available: KILA - IPPL Library (1),

8. Introduction to veterinary therapeutics by Boddie, George F. Publication: London Oliver and Boyd 1952 . xi,196p. Date: 1952 Availability: Items available: KILA - IPPL Library (1),

9. Elementary veterinary science for agricultural students, farmers, and stock-keepers, by Thompson, Henry Publication: London 1952 . 474p. Date: 1952 Availability: Items available: KILA - IPPL Library (1),

10. The practice of veterinary medicine by Udall, D. H. Publication: Newdelhi Oxford & IBH Publishing 1954 . x,811p. Date: 1954 Availability: Items available: KILA - IPPL Library (1),

11. Black's veterinary dictionary by Miller, William Christopher | West, Geoffrey P. Publication: London Adam and charles black 1967 . viii,1015p. Date: 1967 Availability: Items available: KILA - IPPL Library (1),

12. The farmer's veterinary handbook by Haberman, Jules J. Publication: Newyork Prentice-hall 1953 . xi,305p. Date: 1953 Availability: Items available: KILA - IPPL Library (1),

13. Keeping livestock healthy : yearbook of agriculture 1942 by Department of Agriculture Publication: United States of America Department of Agriculture 1942 . xiii,1271p. Date: 1942 Availability: Items available: KILA - IPPL Library (1),

14. Hoare's veterinary materia medica and therapeutics by Greig, J. Russell (ed.) | Boddie,George F. (ed.) Publication: London Bailliere,Tindall and cox 1955 . ix,528p. Date: 1955 Availability: Items available: KILA - IPPL Library (1),

15. Manual of the animal husbandry department :Madras state by Government of madras Publication: Madras Government of Madras 1956 . 477p. Date: 1956 Availability: Items available: KILA - IPPL Library (1),

16. Handbook of animal husbandry by Tata,S.N. (ed.) Publication: Newdelhi Indian council of agricultural research 1990 . xv,821p. Date: 1990 Availability: Items available: KILA - IPPL Library (1),

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