Urban poverty in Africa:- From understanding to alleviation
by Jones Sue
Additional authors:
Nelson Nici
Published by :
ITDG Publishers
Physical details: 193p
Urban poor in Africa.
Urban poverty- some strategic considerations :Urban poverty in Africa, defining urban poverty, role of government of urban areas in creation of urban poverty, Africa's urban informal economies- between poverty and growth, impact of structural adjustment on welfare and livelihoods - an assessment by people in Harare
Coping with urban poverty- institutional responses : participatory poverty assessments- world bank contribution and emwrging agenda, multi layered responses to urban poverty- possible donor agency action, urban poverty alleviation and housing creation, uTshani buyakhuluma - people's dialogue and south African homeless people's federation, diversity in practice- international NGO's experience of micro finance, municipal responses to urban poverty- case study of Botswana
Coping with urban poverty- livelihood strategies : Decision making in poor household- case of Uganda, gender and age aspects of vulnerability in Ghana, plight of street children in Kenya, gender and urban poverty in ays of AIDs in Uganda, urban African livelihood systems- straddling the rural urban divide
Year: 1999
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