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Water resources sustainability - Security, natural disasters, managing water resources, climate

by Mays Larry W
Published by : McGraw-Hill (New York) Physical details: 330p ISBN:978-0-07-146230-3.
Subject(s): Rural water system -- Ecological Economics -- Water sustainability : modern day unsustainability , Aral sea Current global water challenges, Global climate change -- Water sustainability parallels of past civilizations and the present : Ancient megawater projects, Waterings in west, Unsustainable american southwest -- Water resource sustainability an ecological-economics perspective : Human rights of water, integrated water resource management , Virtual water -- Managing for sustainability in Arizona,USA- Linking climate , water management and growth -- Optimization modelling for sustainable groundwater and conjunctive use policy development : S/O models, Riparian rights -- Multi-objective analysis for sustainable-Conjuctive use planning of ground water and surface water : Governing equations, Surface water, Groundwater, Management objectives in conjunctive use projects, Supply objective, Quality objectives, economic objectives, Environmental objectives, Sustainability, Multiobjective optimization, solutions methods-mathematical programming and multiobjective evolutionary algorithms, Linking simulation and optimization, Decision making, Distance-based methods, Outranking techniques : ELECTRE III, Multicriterion Q-analysis (MCQA) -- Uncertainties and risks in water resources projects : Risk-based hydrosystems engineering and management, Risk considerations in hydrosystems engineering, Evaluations of annual expected damage cost due to failure, Data requirement in risk-based approach, Risk-based analysis considering intangible factors, Risk-based design without flood damage information , Reliability analysis -- Climate change effects and water management options : Hydrologic effects, River basin/ regional runoff effects, Water management options -- Water sustainability - The potential impact of climate change : Future potential impacts on natural streamflow due to climate change -- Water supply security an introduction : Water supply system, Public health, security and bioterrorism in September 11 2001, Homeland security act (PL 107-296), USEPA's protocol -- Water resource sustainability issues in south Korea : Difficulties in national water resource planning, Research on urban flood disaster management, Restoration of Cheonggye-Cheon, Water security in Korea, Potential water resources, Water supply system improvement -- Water-based sustainable integrated regional development : Development paradigms- sustainable development and water Water resource development and management, Social and economic development, Domain of water based regional development, Implementing water-based SIRD, integrated rural development, Transboundary cooperation, regional development projects, Turkey's southeastern Anatolia project (GAP), Water resource development policies and GAP's institutional evolution, GAP as a water-based sustainable integrated regional development program, Integrating individual sectors in a Holistic program/Stock of overall capital assets -- Community management of rural water systems in Ghana -- Is privatization of water utilities sustainable - lessons from the European experience : WSS industry, Liberalization and PSI opportunities in the water sector, Alternative models for organizing WSS services, Assessment of sustainability of water liberalization models, Private sector participation,water prices and affordability
Year: 2007
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