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State of the Indian Farmer - A millennium study :- Agricultural Extension

by Shingi P M
Additional authors: Gaikwad V R | Sulaiman Rasheed | Vasanthakumar J
Published by : Academic Foundation (New Delhi) Physical details: 255p ISBN:81-7188-370-2.
Subject(s): Pre green revolution era -- post green revolution era -- green revolution era -- agri business sub systems -- Agricultural extension in pre-independence era : Food crisis, enforcement of controls, grow more food campaign, rational and model of extension system -- Agricultural extension in pre-green revolution era- 1950-65 : Agricultural improvement, infrastructure in support extension, community development programme, national extension services, training and extension staff, resurgence continued, agricultural improvement, multiple methods of extension communication, food and agricultural production, application of scientific knowledge, quality of local leadership and extension impact,training impact on youth, nature of social and operational impact of extension, Extension impact on rainfed areas, less developed communities, irrigated areas -- Green revolution era- 1965-80 : fourth and fifth five year plan, VLWs, impact of patterns of agricultural development on extension, pilot training and visit approach -- Post-green revolution era- 1980-95 : Inflation, droughts and shortages, sixth five year plan, new phase of agricultural plan, institution of contact farmers, strengthening state-level extension machinery, T&V approach, farmer to farmer extension, yield gap, women focus, people participation, extension models by ICAR and SAU system,first line extension projects, Krishi vigyan kendras (KVKs), institute-village linkage programme, state agricultural universities system, participatory technology development , public and private extension, basic education and agricultural -- Role of public extension in liberalised regimel : Importance of non-price factors, self sufficiency in food grains, crop-wise disparities in growth, focus on vulnerably areas and vulnerable people, gains and challenges on productivity -- Post liberalisation processes and extension dimensions : Role and space of various agencies, alternative models of extension, research extension farmer interface, HRD for farmers and extension workers, application of media and information technology in extension , gender issues of extension -- Agribusiness sub system- some issues for immediate future : Agricultural production sub system, input supply sub system, research sub system, agricultural extension education sub-system, newly emerging profile of Indian farmers -- New extension policy framework of government of India
Year: 2004
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338.1 SIN/S (Browse shelf) Volume VI Available 007808

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