The elgar companion to health economics
by Jones Andrew M
Published by : Edward Elgar Publishing Limited (UK) Physical details: 565p. ISBN:1-84542-003-9.
Population Health
Medical Economics
Health care finance
Macro economics
Population health and health care systems : Macroeconomic conditions, health and mortality, dynamics of health, health and work of older workers, using observational data to identify the casual effects of health related behavior, economics of public health interventions for children in developing countries, health behavior among young people, economics of obesity, illicit drugs and drug related crime
Health care finance, expenditure and use : Value of health insurance, incentive and selection effects in health insurance, prescription drug insurance and reimbursement, economics of social health insurance, competition and health plan choice, empirical models of healthcare use, unofficial health care economy in low and middle income countries, trade in health services current challenges and future prospects of globalization
Equity in health and health care : Decompsotion of inequalities in health and health care, economic studies of equity in consumption of health care, equity in health and health care systems in Asia
Organization of health care markets : Hospital competition and patient choice in publicity funded health care, models of negotiation and bargaining in health care, contracts, information and incentives in health care, contracting out health service provision in resource and information poor settings
Provider reimbursement, incentives and behavior : Physician as patient's agent, capitation and incentives primary care, optimal risk adjustment, role of economic incentives in improving quality of mental health, nursing home quality of care, direct to consumer advertising
Assessing the performance of health care organizations : Concepts and challenges in measuring the performance of health care organizations, use of performance measures in health care systems, productivity analysis in health care
Evaluation of health care - Measuring benefits : conceptual foundations for health utility measurement, multi- attribute utility approach to assessing health related quality of life, methods for developing preference based measures of health, elicitation of distributional judgements in context of economic evaluation, contingent valuation in health care, using discrete choice experiments in health economics, design of choice experiments in health economics
Measuring costs and statistical issues : estimating cost for economic evaluation, dealing with skewed data on costs and expenditures, future costs in medical cost effectiveness analysis, selection bias in observational data
Economic evaluation and decision making : decision rules for incremental cost effectiveness analysis, generalized cost effectiveness analysis- principles and practice, decision rules in economic evaluation, statistical methods for cost effectiveness analysis alongside clinical trials, decision making with uncertainty- value of information, perspectives on mean based evaluation of health care, economic evaluation and decision makers
Year: 2006
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