Planning of developing economies: The Indian development experience
by Mahajan V.S
Published by : Deep & Deep Publications (New Delhi) Physical details: 294p. ISBN:81-7100-218-8.
Industria growth
Family planning
National Development Issues
Economic policy
Rural development.
Planning, inflation and policy failures: Rural development and egalitarianism, inflation, equality, levelling of incomes, industrial policy
Rural development programmes : Community development programme, transport and agricultural planning, rural-urban feeder roads in India's development, food surpluses, small industry and employment, small industry in defence and development
Past industrial growth : Metal and engineering industries,growth in Indian paint industry, Tyre industry
Textile sector : Cotton textile, Indian woollen industry
Vegetable oil industry and vanaspati industry
transport sector : water transport in India's development, road transport
national development issues, policies and expenditure : Distribution and production, rural-urban balance, railways, paper consumption, water, hill stations, dairy development, family planning programme, assessment of Indira Gandhi's economic policies
Regional dimensions : Haryana's industrialisation rural industrial programmes, lessons from developing economies
Year: 1990
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