Consumer bahaviour and consumer protection in India
by Agarwal Meenu
Published by : New Century Publications (New Delhi) Physical details: 309p. ISBN:81-7708-107-1.
Indian Economy
Banking Services
Health Care
Consumer behavior and consumer protection, consumer protection in Indian economy, consumer organizations, consumer behavior- empirical approach, consumer protection act 1986- legislative and judicial dimensions, consumer awareness, role of government, buying behavior and grievance redressal , consumer protection through mass awareness- challenges and opportunities in global era
Consumer rights and consumer protection act 1986, consumer awareness and government role, governmental role for consumer awareness and welfare, protective aspects of consumer protection, economic analysis of consumer behavior, new era of consumerism, consumer behaviour, communication and rural market, consumer protection act 1986, consumerism and role of legislation, banking services in India and consumer protection
Impact of advertising on consumer education and behavior, consumer problems, consumer behavior in selection and purchasing of clothes, food adulteration, WTO and Indian pharmaceutical industry- implication for consumer welfare, managing consumer expectations through encouraging customer complaints, healthcare in India and consumer protection act, advertising and consumer, globalization and consumer behavior- gender issues
Year: 2006
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