Saraswathi: The river that disappeared
by Valdiya K S
Published by : Universities Press (Hyderabad) Physical details: 116p. ISBN:81-7371-403-7.
Harappan civilization
Urban culture
Indus civilization
Land without rivers : River less vibrant land, realm of sand dunes, theater of history of India,
Physiograhic layout and geological setting of Saraswati- Sindhu land : Terrane, formation of saraswati - sindhu plain, structure and tectonics, cause of tectonic tumult, records in sediment succession, drainage deviation, vagaries of climate, tracing course of river saraswati- fossil waters, saraswati delta and Samudrasangam
Peoples of land of saraswati :Congenial environment, stone age settlements, Pre- harappan settlements and early civilization
Disappearance of saraswati, submergence of Dwarka : Mass migration of people, river diversion, tectonic upheaval, tectonic turmoil in Aravali domain, aftermath of saraswati's tragedy, river saraswati and Harappan civilization in ancient literature
Year: 2002