Embodiment: Essays on gender and identity
by Thapan Meenakshi
Additional authors:
Nehru Memorial Museum and Library
Gender studies (Delhi, India)
Published by :
Oxford University Press
Physical details: 340p.
Gender identity
Human body
Social aspects
Sex role
Religious life and customs
Social conditions
Cross-cultural studies
Gender and embodiment in everyday life
Socially constructed body- caste, community and nationalism : Scandal in high places- discourses on chaste Hindu women in late 19 century Bengal, female sexuality and community in Jyotirmoyee Devi's Epar ganga Opar ganga, abducted and windowed women- questions of sexuality and citizenship during partition
lived body in everyday life- space, performance and intimate relationships : Femininity, space and female body- anthropological perspective, femininity and body of female ballet dancers in Netherland, dharma and desire, freedom and destiny- rescripting the man-women relationship in popular Hindi Cinema, femininity and its discontents- women's body in intimate relationships
Disciplining the body - Discourse of medical science and social regulation of prostitution : Cultural approach to menstrual symptomatology, prostitution- contemporary feminist discourse
Subversive voices and resisting bodies- individual and collective strategies : Caste in scene of desire, femineity and sexual difference- critical reading of Helen Cixous, from housewifization to androgyny, sexuality and power in feminist discourse in India
gender & development
Year: 1997