Dilemmas of the welfare mix: The new structure of welfare in an era of privatization.
by Ascoli Ugo
Additional authors:
Ranci Costanzo
Nonprofit and civil society studies.
Published by :
Kluwer Academic /Plenum Publishers
Physical details: 264p.
Social policy
Welfare state.
Context of new social policies in Europe : Two forms of privatization, welfare mix
Mixed economy of social care in Europe : Mixed economy of social care, different patterns of welfare mix in social care, modes of coordination between the state and third sector with respect to the level of social care provision, role of third sector in social care
Contract culture even in Scandinavia : Mutual trust to contracting, historical relationship between government and voluntary social service organizations, contract culture, implementation of contracts, new challenges from the market
Government third sector and contract culture- UK experience : Contract culture in social care, analysis of current impact, third sector in welfare delivery, third sector in governance
Dilemmas of public/private partnership in France : Functioning mechanisms of welfare mix, involvement of non-profile organizations in definitions of polices, changing structure of third sector
New partnership - changing relationship between state and third sector in the scenario of new social policies in Italy : New scenario of welfare mix in 1990s, mechanism of new welfare mix, new shape of third sector, policy orientations and dilemmas for future
Chnaging contract culture in Germany and future of a mixed welfare system : Challenges behind contract making and main arguments and observations of country study, peculiarities of German system of state, illustrating hallmarks of changing contract culture
Spain- steps towards partnership and marketization : Third sector and services provision- actors, targets and resources, heterogeneous mixing of advocacy and service provision, reforms in progress- delegation of powers or shared government, effects of greater partnership and markets
Changes in welfare mix- European path, policies , paradox of marketization, welfare mix structure
Year: 2002
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