The right to know: Human rights and access to reproductive health information
by Coliver Sandra
Published by : Article 19 and University of Pennsylvania Press (UK) Physical details: 391p. ISBN:1-870798-42-2.
Birth control
Law and legislation
Human reproduction
Health education
Women's rights
Health services accessibility
Women's health services
Family Planning Services
Sexually Transmitted Diseases
Cross-Cultural Comparison
Censorship and manipulation of reproductive health information : Defining human rights perspective, women's reproductive health in context, political dimensions of reproductive health information, three paradigms of contraceptive delivery programs- demographic, biomedical and reproductive health
Right to information necessary for reproductive health and choice under international law: International law and right to reproductive health information, rights that give rise to right to information necessary for reproductive health and choice, government obligations to respect and fulfill the right to reproductive health information
Global overview : Expenditure on health, fertility rates, infertility, literacy and education, infant and child mortality, maternal mortality, overall impact of spacing children on health of families, contraceptive use and availability, unmet need, abortion, HIV/AIDS infection and sexually transmitted diseases
Family planning, birth rate and infant, child and maternal mortality, availability and use of contraceptives, abortion, AIDs/HIV, role of NGOs in Algeria, Brazil, Chile, Ireland, Kenya, Malawi, Pakistan, Philippines, Poland, USA
Standards and recommendations
Year: 1995
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