Women, science and technology: A reader in feminist science studies
by Wyer Mary
Additional authors:
Barbercheck Mary;et.al
Published by :
(New York)
Physical details: 376p
Women in science.
Women in technology.
Feminism and science.
High hopes, broken promises and persistence- educating women for scientific careers : Anomaly of a women in physics, never meant to survive - a black woman's journey, gender constructs and career commitment- influence of peer culture on women in college, snow brown and seven detergents- metanarrative on science and scientific method
Careers : Nepotism and peer review, gender and politics at the apex of science, careers of men and women scientists- gender differences in career attainments
Science, sex and stereotypes- cultural images of science and scientists : Sex, science and education, sex and death in rational world of defense intellectuals, men and women in advertisements in science , gender and science
Constructing gender, constructing science- how ideas about women and men shape science and technology : Science , facts and feminism, medical construction of gender- case management on intersexed infants, sociobiology, biological determinism and human behavior, built environment- women's place, gendered space
New science, new knowledge- bringing feminist perspectives into science and technology studies : Feminist science, socially camouflaged technologies - case of electromechanical vibrator, primatology a feminist science, naked sex in exile- on paradox of sex question in feminism and in science
Reproducible insights - women creating knowledge, social policy and change : Perimenstrual syndrome, work discipline and anger, engendering environmental thinking- feminist analysis of present crisis, social construction pf male reproduction and politics of fetal harm, feminist AI projects and cyberfutures
women & education
Year: 2001
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