Governance and economic development: A comparative institutional approach
by Ahrens Joachim
Series: New Thinking in Political Economy Published by : Edward Elgar (UK) Physical details: 433p. ISBN:1-84064-960-7.
Post-communism -
Economic development
Corporate governance
Economic history.
Industrial policy
Market, state, and economic development
Economic development, policy reform and interaction between economy and polity, state v/s market debate, research strategy
Policy reform, institutions and economic performance
Washinton consensus and its limits, new political economy to new institutional economics
New political economy - rational politics, irrational economics, critique of NPE- positive economics, negative politics
New institutional economics : definition and classification of institutions, assumptions, axioms and terminology of NIE, functions of institutions, intentional design of institutions and political steering of social processes
Institutional change and economic performance : Naive model, supply of institutions- collective-action problems and government, political economy, institutions and adaptive efficiency, politico-institutional foundation of policy reform
Governance- theory and practice : Governance and economic performance - conceptual considerations
Dimensions of effective governance, improving quality of policy making through institution,state strength, administrative capability and credibility, key economic institutions, informal institutions, market enhancing governance structure
Governance in practice- evidence from less developed countries and economies in transition : Institutions matter- empirical evidence, institutional foundation of developmental states, political economy of policy reform- HPAEs, governance and economic performance after Asian crisis, governance and systemic transformation, rethinking effective governance- politico-institutional structures and economic development in comparative perspective
Year: 2002
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