Where there is no doctor: A health care handbook
by Werner David
Published by : Voluntary Health Association of India (New Delhi) Physical details: 565p.
Words to village health worker, home cures and popular beliefs, sicknesses that are often confused, how to examine a sick person, how to take care of a sick person, healing without medicines, right and wrong use of modern medicines, antibiotics, how to measure and gave medicine, instructions and precautions for injections, first aid, nutrition- what to eat to be healthy, prevention- how to avoid sickness, some very common sickness, serious illnesses that need special medical attention, skin problems, eyes, ears and nose, ENT, respiratory system, gastrointestinal system, urinary system, reproductive system, problems related to women, information for mothers and midwives, family planning having number of children you want, health and sicknesses of children, health and sicknesses of older people, medicine kit, green pages - uses, dosage and precaution for medicines
Year: 1994
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