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Foundations of international political economy

by Watson Matthew
Published by : Palgrave Macmillan (New York) Physical details: 267p. ISBN:1-4039-1351-X.
Subject(s): International economic Relation -- International Development -- International political economy -- Approaches to international political economy: States and market -- International relations -- political economy as the basis for IPE -- Historicizing rationality assumptions: International political economy in the history of economic thought -- Classical political economy vs Modern economic -- Heterogeneous roots of neoclassical economics -- Limits of utility maximizing theory -- Classical tradition of political economy : new foundations for IPE -- Ontology of classical political economy -- Purpose of theory within the classical tradition of political economy -- From the general to a particular case for classical political economy foundations for IPE -- Foundations for international political economy based on Smith, Veblen and Polanyi -- Moral prosperity within political economy: Adam smith , wealth of nations -- Institutional analysis within political economy: Theorstein Veblen -- Veblen on economic methods: Taxonomy -- Veblen on human nature: Hedonism -- Veblen on institutions -- Social embeddedness within political economy: work of Karl Polanyi -- Polanyi on the exchange relations: the market economy as historical novelty -- Polanyi on fictitious commodities: embeddedness of economic institutions -- Polanyi on human nature: beyond utilitarian accounts of being -- Understanding the market within modern society -- Market as actor versus the market as arena for action -- market economy and the coordination of individual activities -- Political construction of market exchange -- Understanding the state within modern society -- State projects and the competing imperatives of accumulation and legitimation -- State as the manifestation of the balance of political forces within society -- State and the commodification of the individual -- Applying the theoretical framework : Globalization -- Competitiveness concerns, market ideologies and discourses of globalisation -- Globalization as ideological justification for self-interested behaviour -- Applying the theoretical framework: international trade -- Economistic fallacy and the development of global trading relations -- Fair trade market and fair trade ideology -- Impartial spectator and the fairly traded alternative -- Applying the theoretical framework: international development -- International economic development and the ideology of structural adjustment -- Local level politics and resistance to adjustment ideology -- World bank and the re-making of individual rationality
Year: 2005
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