Indian cities in transition
by Shaw Annapurna
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Published by :
Orient Longman Private Limited
(New Delhi)
Physical details: 500p
Cities and towns in India in Growth.
Urbanization in India.
Globalisation and urban restructuring
Globalization and management of Indian cities
Urban governance
Urban population and economic growth
Environmental impacts of liberalisation
Sanitation service in urban India
Urban housing and infrastructural programmes
Squatter settlements
Air pollution in India
Economic dimensions of the post 1990s reforms
Agglomeration economies
World market and international networks : India's high tech-clusters
Informal sector workers
Political economy of change in the planning and management of cities
Post-fordist urban space of Mumbai
Housing in metropolis
Urban sprawl
Liberalisation and its micro-level impacts: social and economic mobility in Indian cities
diversity in patterns of urbanisation
Gender and vocational training in segmented labour market in Indian cities
Indian industrial society
Year: 2007