Arms control:- Cooperative security in a changing environment
by Larsen Jeffrey A
Additional authors:
Schelling, Thomas C
Published by :
Viva Books Private Limited
(New Delhi)
Physical details: 413p.
Localization of conflict
Chemical Weapons
Nuclear Proliferation
Arms control
Post cold war era
Arms control in the west prior to the nuclear age
Arms control during and after cold war
Changing international context
End of US soviet adversary relationship
Globalisation of economic, political and social forces, Technology of warfare, Cooperative security
Domestic factors in arms control: US , Generic issues, Post cold war
Verification and transparency, Intelligence and compliance, Changing patterns of verification
Preventing the spread of arms
Strategic nuclear arms control
Terminology, Strategic nuclear arms control today, visions for future of strategic nuclear arms control
Nuclear proliferation
Counter proliferation
Chemical and biological weapons -CBW arm control
Allegations of non-compliance and challenge inspections
Strengthening the biological and toxin weapon convention
CBW arms control and cooperative security
Conventional weapons
Arms trade fundamentals , Three cold war legacies , new security environment, Controlling arms transfer
Cooperative security measures
Cooperative threat reduction program, regional security
Regional perspective
Europe: Force reduction talks, cooperative security and the Vienna document, Treaty on conventional armed forces in Europe , Arms control in Balkans, Arms control during war and the conflict resolution
Middle East : Arms control, Global Arms control
Africa: Weapons of mass destruction and arm control , Arms trafficking,
South Asia: Arms control, Strategic predicament
East Asia: pre and post-cold war Arms control
Future challenges for arms control
Future of the offence-defence relationship
Emerging threats and the inadequacy of the offence-dominant deterrence
Missile defence technology and affordability , Unlikely prospects of a renewed arms race with Russia, Missile defence and crisis stability, offence-defence relationship
Arms control in outer space : Existing Arms control, Efforts to internationalize and institutionalize space, ABM treaty and Ballistic missile defence , Space commission and space war games, future arms control challenges
Security in cyber space : Rising concerns in Information operations, Efforts at international agreements and cooperation
Arms control in the year 2025 : world of tiers, Global world, Two-Tiered world of 2025
Year: 2005
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