A livelihood from fishing: Globalization and sustainable fisheries policies
by Sann Alain Le
Published by : Intermediate Technology Publications (London) Physical details: 123p. ISBN:1-85339-398-3.
Fishery management
Sustainable fisheries
Fishery policy
Fisheries today : Essential food, consumption, productivity of oceans, increasing production, fisheries in Japan and Canada, China, aquaculture , imports and exports, job creation, artisanal fish workers, role of women, quotas and fisheries mismanagement in the north
Key Issues : Globalization, role of multinationals, capital investment in golden fisheries, highly prized fishery resources, post harvest losses, India's situation, coastal regions under threat, mangroves , sport fishing, exclusive economic zones, environmental groups , environmental laws, blue Europe is a huge market, fisheries agreements have a commercial bias, aquaculture competes in the market for fish, individual transferable quotas -ITQs
Artisanal fish workers must be organized, international cooperation, management objectives should be rationalised participatory management, fish as food, environmentally sound and selective fishing techniques, Kerala bans trawling, limit by catches, promote extensive aquaculture, free market,fisheries agreement, code of conduct for responsible fisheries
Year: 1998