Human development
by Rout,Himanshu Sekhar
Additional authors:
Panda,Prasant Kumar
Published by :
New century Publications
(New Delhi)
Physical details: 402p.
Regional planning
Rural poverty
Quality of life.
Human capital.
Note on some aggregation problems in the functioning approach to individual well being, measuring group differential - some further results, status and trend of human development in north East region of India, note on human development indices with income equalities, regional planning, national development and conflict resolution, age structured human capital dynamics and economic growth- a note on interdependence, coordination and welfare
Human development in India- issues and challenges, perspectives of economic growth and social insecurity on human development for lagging states in India, enviornment, human development and economic growth of Indian states after liberalization, gender and human development, recasting human development indices- a look into the state of gender empowerment in Karnataka, human development in Orissa- inter district analysis from the perspective of infrastructure, humand evelopment, economic development and income earning capacities of the common man- case of north east india
Disparities in human development and economic development in Assam, livelihood diversification and rural poverty
Year: 2009
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