Handbook of critical policy studies
Series: Handbooks of research on public policy Published by : Edward Elgar (UK) Physical details: xiv, 519 pages ; ISBN:9781783472345.
Policy sciences.
Critical theory.
Policy sciences.
Political planning
policy studies
Origins and theoretical development : from lasswell to habermas and foucault
Critical theory and public policy
Theoretical perspectives : critical reflexivity, hegemony and power
Post-structuralist discourse theory and critical policy studies
Cultural political economy and critical policy studies
Interpretation of power
Discursive politics: deliberation, justice, protest and emotion
Discursive institutionalism
Social justice and urban policy
Democracy, diversity and equality
Deliberation and protest
Policy deliberation
Policy processes: problem definitions, evidence and social contradiction
Social construction of target population
Autopoietic text
Co-production and public policy
Politics of policy expertise : Knowledge, think-tanks and action research
Politics and policy expertise
Global governance and sustainability indicators
Organizing expertise legitimacy and counter expertise in policy networks
Critical action research and social movement
Methodological issues : interpretation, framing and social constructions
Policy practices
Critical functions of interpretive policy analysis
Analysing policy frames
Critical policy ethnography
Exploring feminist perspective through the case of anti-smoking policy
Year: 2015
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