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Land, water and development: Sustainable management of river basin systems

by Newson Malcolm
Edition statement:2nd Ed Published by : Routledge (London) Physical details: 423p ISBN:0-415-15506-1.
Subject(s): Sustainable management -- River basin management -- History of river basin management :Hydraulic cultures and religious codes, Hydrology, Origins of river coordination in England, Environment -- Natural river basin-Transfer system :Flow of Water and transport of sediments, Channel morphology, Floodplains, Basin sediment system, Natural system, a sensitivity assessment -- Land and water : vegetation, soil and hydrology, Groundwater exploitation and protection, Runoff modifications in developed river basins, Water quality -- Managing land and water in the developed world: development of river basin, River basin management in the USA, Canadian river basin management, Australia , New Zealand-Wise management determined by hazard, national priorities in the developed world -- River basin and development : Problem of food,power and trade in dryland, River basin management in Iran, Definitive case of hydropolitics, River basin developemnt authorities, Land use dimension-Himalayan headwaters and the Indian subcontinent, Dams,alternatives and the need for a new international order -- Technical issues in river basin management : Soil erosion, Dams, Irrigation, Conservation and restoration of river channels and wetlands, Climatic change and river basin management -- Institutional issues in river basin management : TVA, Sustinable basin management and UK water institutions, Land drainage, Economics and environment as institutional forces, River basin institutions and developing nations, Environmental assessment and management of water projects, International river basin management, Sustainability and subsidiarity-institutions which can plan basin development -- Sustinable river basin management : New environmental age, Environmental science, Environmentalism, enviornmental science and river basin system, Hydrologists stock in trade, Alternatives of Catchment research, Land use management in river basins-forest and beyond, Policy responses, Structure of implementation- land use controls in river basins, Knowledge and policy consensus, political intervention in land use -- Land and water -Towards systems of management in a period of change : Mutual consideration of land with water, Ecosystem services, land, water and development, Technocracy and democracy
Year: 1997
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