Women and political empowerment 1998: Women's political empowerment day celebrations on panchayats, women and poverty eradication
by Haider Saraswati
Additional authors:
Mohanty, Bidyut
Published by :
Institute of Social Sciences
(New Delhi)
Physical details: 199p.
Health and hygiene.
Women in Political activity
Right to information
&3rd and 74th amendments- implications for women, economic strength leads to political strength, women as organized agents for poverty eradication, injustice and violence against women, women and poverty alleviation, Rashtriya Mahila Kosh and women's economic empowerment, bases for political empowerment of women, women elected representatives on Panchayati raj. decentralized governance, women's participation and poverty eradication
Right to information- key to poverty eradication, reports of group discussions
Construction of state- panchayat's perception of state through the delivery system, people's campaign- landmark in history of planning, women as decision makers, panchayats, women and poverty eradication
women & politics
Year: 2000