Regulatory governance in developing countries
by Minogue,Martin
Additional authors:
Published by :
Edward Elgar
Physical details: 340p
Water services
Trade regulation in Developing countries.
Industrial policy in Developing countries
Independent regulatory commissions in Developing countries.
Conceptualizing regulation, governance and development : Regulatory governance in developing countries, states and modes of regulation in the global political economy, internationalization of regulation - implications for developing countries, apples and oranges- comparing international experiences in regulatory reform, regulatory governance and accountability- UK perspective on improving the regulatory state
Case studies in institutional reform : Regulatory reform in developing countries- designing business set-up processes, reforms and practices in local regulatory governance in Philippines, Philippine port sector- case of regulatory capture
Regulation, markets and the poor- case from south Africa and Philippines : Capability approach and access to information and communication technologies, regulatory governance of the water sector in south Africa, pioneering redistributive regulatory reform- study of implementation of a catchment management agency for Inkomati water management area, south Africa, pro-poor water services in metro Manila- in search of greater equity, climbing south Africa's water services ladder- safe drinking water through regulatory governance
Capacity building for regulation : Diagnostic model for capacity building regulatory agencies and competition commission - an empirical study based on ICT sector south Africa
Year: 2006
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