The enemy of nature: The end of capitalism or the end of the world?
by Kovel Joel
Published by : Tulika Books (New Delhi) Physical details: 273p. ISBN:81-85229-80-5.
Ecological Crisis
eco socialism
Environmental aspects
Marxian economics
Environmental policy
on human ecology and trajectory of ecological crisis, capital, capitalism, globalization, globalisation, domination of nature, ecologies, human being, exosystemic integrity and disintegration
Capital and domination of nature :gendered bifurcation of nature, philosophical interlude, reformability of capitalism
Towards ecosocialism
Critique of actually existing ecopolitics : Green economics, ecophilosophies, deep ecology, bioregionalism, ecofeminism, social ecology, democracy, populism and fascism
Prefiguration : Burderhof, socialism, Marx, ecological production
Ecosocialism : Ecological ensembles and modelling of ecosocialist development
Year: 2003