The Oxford handbook of the Indian Constitution
Published by : Oxford University Press ( UK) Physical details: lxv, 1048 pages : illustrations ; ISBN:9780199691586.
Constitutional law
Locating Indian constitutionalism
History : Constitutional antecedents
Negotiating constitutionalism : Constitutional interpretation, law, politics and constitutional hegemony- supreme court, jurisprudence and demosprudence, constitutional identity,constitutional change, international law and constitutional schema
Constituting democracy : Citizenship, language, elections, emergency powers, constitutional amendments
Separation of powers : Legislature- composition, qualification and disqualifications, executives, judicial architecture and capacity, judicial independence, jurisdiction, administrative and regulatory state, tribunals, review of administrative action
Federalism : Federal scheme, legislative competence- union and states, inter-state trade, commerce and intercourse, inter state river water disputes, fiscal federalism, asymmetric federalism, local government
Rights : breadth, scope and applicability, horizontal effects, writs and remedies, ninth schedule and articles 31 A-C, directive principles of state policy, public interest litigation, constitutionalisation of Indian private law
Rights -substance and content : Equality- legislative review under article 14, reservations, gender equality, life and personal liberty, due process, criminal law and constitution, free speech and expression, assembly and association, movement and residence, profession, occupation trade or business, secularism and religious freedom, personal laws, minority educational institutions, property
Government's legal personality : Government contracts, sovereign immunity, public employment and service law
Indian constitution seen from outside
Year: 2015
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