Child labour in the Indian subcontinent: Dimensions and implications
by Kanbargi Ramesh
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Published by :
Sage Publications
(New Delhi)
Physical details: 184p.
Child labour
Child labour/labor in Indian subcontinent- its extent and determinants : Participation of children in economic activity- regional analysis of rural India, demographic and social dimensions of child labor in India, child labour in rural Bangladesh- some findings from a relatively developed village, child labor in dryland agriculture in India
Child labor, fertility and schooling- statement of problem and status of current knowledge : Child labor and fertility- assessment and alternative framework, child labor in Indian subcontinent, assessment of studies linking child labor and fertility behavior in less developed countries
Consequences of child labor on schooling and fertility : Child work, schooling and fertility in rural Karnataka India, family economy in south India- micro perspective on child labor value and its contribution
Year: 1991
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