Statistics explained: A guide for social science students
by Hinton Perry R
Published by : Routledge (London) Physical details: 322p ISBN:0-415-10286-3.
Psychometrics ,Textbooks.
Descriptive statistics
Central tendency
Measures of spread
Standard scores
Normal distribution
Standard normal distribution
Hypothesis testing
One and two-tailed prediction
Population and samples
Sample statistics and population parameters
Selecting sample for comparison
Designing experiments to compare samples
Interpretation of sample difference
Hypothesis testing with two samples
t Test
Significance , error and power
Type I and Type II errors
Analysis of variance
F distribution
One factor independent measures ANOVA
Relationship of F to t
Multiple comparisons
Turkey test : pairwise comparison
Scheffe test : complex comparison
One factor repeated measures ANOVA
Deriving F value
Interaction of factors in the analysis of variance
Dividing up the between conditions sum of squares
Simple main effects
Calculating the two factor ANOVA
Two factor independent measures ANOVA
Two factor mixed design ANOVA
Two factor repeated measures ANOVA
Non-significant interaction
Nonparametric analysis
Mann-whitney U test
Wilcoxon signed-ranks test
One factor ANOVA for ranked data
Kruskal-Wallis test
Friedman test
Analysing frequency data
X2 test
Linear correlation and regression
r correlation coefficient
Spearman correlation coefficient
Multiple correlation and regression
Partial correlation
Multiple correlation
Using statistics programs on computers
Errors in data input
Interpreting output
Year: 1995
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