Information systems for sustainable development
by Hilty Lorenz M
Published by : Idea Group Publishing (London) Physical details: 378p ISBN:159140343-X.
Environmental performance and eco-efficiency : EPE according to ISO 14031-- sustainable development strategies-- quality control and user interfaces-- organization models and information systems for production-integrated environmental protection (OPUS)--integration of material flow management tools in working place environment-- eco-efficient controlling of material flows with flow cost accounting- ERP based solutions of ECO rapid project-- advanced middleware for eScience applied to enviornmental integrated systems-- linking economic optimisation and simulation models to environmental material flow networks for ecoefficency-- virtual networking -resource consumption of information technologies
Supporting change towards sustainability : Social context model for discussion process analysis-- E-organization and sustainable information society-- corporate sustainability reporting--web portals- tools for environmental management-- sustainability networks-- information systems for co-operative procurement of organic food as a basis for decentralized eco-villages-- web based carpooling system-- citizen centered environmental information dissemination via multiple information channels--accessing public sector environmental data and information
Risk management : Integration of safety--environmental and quality-- support of integrated management system by use of in-plant information-- management and monitoring system-- remote monitoring of nuclear power plants in Germany--technological risk management with remote sensing and GIS
Year: 2005
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