Understanding trips: Managing knowledge in developing countries
by Rao M B
Additional authors:
Guru Manjula
Published by :
Response Books
(New Delhi)
Physical details: 358p.
TRIPS - A brief background : Industrialized v/s developing countries, urguay round negotiations, Doha declaration
Interpreting TRIPS : Vienna convention, WIPO copyright treaty, views of WTO panels and appellate body, GATT agreement
Copyright and related rights : Minimum standard obligations under Berne convention- article 1-21, rental rights, dispute between US and Japan, performance and phonograms treaty (WPPT) 1996, WIPO copyright treaty (WCT), national laws on copyright and related rights
Trademarks and geographical; indications : Improvements and standards after the Paris convention, Indian laws on trade mark and geographical indicators , article 16,17,18,19,20 and 21
Industrial design : Provisions in Paris convention article 5& 25, protection for textile design and exceptions, Indian law on industrial designs
Patents : Exclusion from patentability, condition on patent application, Indian position on compulsory licensing, article 33,34, Indian law on patents, exclusive market rights
Layout designs of integrated circuits : Relation to IPIC treaty- article 35, analysis of IPIC treaty- article 2-4, national treatment- article 5-8, scope of protection article 36 and 37, compulsory licenses- article 31 & 37, terms of protection article 38
Protection of undisclosed information : Unregulated protection in earlier conventions- article 10 of Paris convention, are trade secrets intellectual property- article 39
Control of anti-competitive practices : Analysis of article 40, united states anti trust law, European community law, what constitutes abuse, Indian anti-competitive practices bill
Enforcement of intellectual property rights : Article 41, civil and administrative procedures and remedies, articles 42-49, provisional measure - article 50, special requirements related to border measures - article 51-60, criminal procedures, monitoring compliance with TRIPS- article 63 & 64
Transitional arrangements : Application of agreement, compliance with article 70 (8)p pharmaceutical and agro-chemical products, establishment of mail box, exclusive marketing rights, technical cooperation, council for TRIPS, international cooperation
Reflections on TRIPS agreement : Need for strengthening intellectual property rights, product and process patent, differing views about advisability of TRIPS in India, Doha ministerial meeting decisions
Year: 2003
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