Designing a peacebuilding infrastructure : Taking a systems approach to the prevention of deadly conflict
by Dress Tobi P
Series: NGLS development dossiers. Published by : UNIDIR (United Nations) Physical details: 236p.
Human rights
Capacity building
International relation
Conflict management.
Designing a peacebuilding infrastructure
Current peace building and conflict prevention landscape
Overview of interventions and methodologies
De-constructing conventional understanding
Structural prevention: Institutional capacity building and cross sectoral linkage
Capacity building for structural prevention: Strengthening the capacity of the united nations and its member states
Interdisciplinary linkages: Conflict prevention, development, governance
national institutional capacity and rule of law
Human rights, minority rights and identity based conflict
Macroeconomics of conflict
Current and ongoing initiatives
Civil society as a force for accountability, early warning and peace building
Global partnership for the prevention of armed conflict (GPPAC)
Women and conflict, Collateral damage, War-affected children
State of the world'd children 2005 , Free press and media
United nations and intergovernmental initiatives
Brahimi report , Secretary-General's report , Reducing the prevalence and risk of war, Freedom to live in dignity, Democracy, Secretary- General's high-level panel on threats, challenges and change , Reform of the UN, Technical cooperation approach to conflict transformation: a pre-eminent part of the UN's work, Infusing awareness and developing skills and capacities , regional initiatives : regional and sub-regional conflict prevention mechanisms, donor initiatives
Farming the future
Search for political will
UN research institute/ Think Tank for conflict prevention
Proposal for development of an international network of sub-regional dispute resolution and dialogue centres
Proposal for an inter sectoral dialogue on conflict prevention and peace building in conjunction with millennium+ 5 meetings
national conflict survey/Assessments for member states
Support for early warning mechanism in Africa
Convening a meeting of drones to develop new structures, strategies and time frames for funding prevention programmes
Year: 2005
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