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The companion to development studies

by Desai,vandana
Additional authors: Potter,robert b
Published by : Hodder Education (U K) Physical details: 587p. ISBN:978-0-340-88914-5.
Subject(s): participatory development -- Poverty -- Land reform -- Community development -- Urbanization -- Environment -- Nature of development and development studies : Third world, developing countries, poor countries, development studies, post-development, new institutional economics and development,poverty, development goals, economic growth, social welfare /human right, participatory development, culture and development, information and communication technologies for development, labour party and development -- Theories and strategies of development : Modernity, Smith, Ricardo and world market place,dualistic and unilinear concepts of development, neoliberalism, structural adjustment and poverty reduction strategies, dependency theory, dependency scholars, world-system theory, indigenous knowledge and development,agropolitan and bottom up development, community participation in development, postmodernism, post-colonialism, social capital and development, social exclusion and development -- Rural development : Rural poverty, rural livelihoods, food security, rural cooperatives, land reform, agricultural sustainability, GM crops and development, famine -- Globalization, employment and development : Global shift- industrialization, division of labour, global convergence, divergence and development, trade and industrial policy in developing countries, free trade and fair trade, pro-poor globalization, migration and transformation, informal sector and employment, child labour, irregular migrant workers -- Urbanization : In low and middle income nations, urban bias, world cities and development, housing and urban poor, urbanization and environment in low and middle income nations, rural-urban interaction, transport and urban development -- Environment and development : Sustainable development, climate change and development, rio-earth summit, international regulation and environment, brown governmental agenda, vulnerability and disasters, biological diversity, water management and development, energy, tropical moist forests and development, tourism and environment, livelihood strategies and their environmental impacts -- Gender, population and development : Women and state, gender, families and households, feminist issues, gender and empowerment, globalization, technology and livelihoods, women and political representation, population trends in developing countries, reproductive and sexual rights, indigenous fertility control -- Health and education : Malnutrition and nutrition polices in developing countries, quality of maternal health care and development, HIV/AIDS, managing health and disease in developing countries, ageing, health inequalities, children's work and schooling, adult literacy and development, management challenges in achieving education for all -- Political economy of violence and insecurity : Gender and age based violence, conflict, development and aid, refugees, humanitarian aid, complex political emergencies in war on terror era, peace building partnership and human security, arms control and disarmament in developing countries, risks analysis and risk reduction, ethnicity, identity and nationalism in developing countries, faith and development, global war on terror and global south, corruption and development -- Governance and development : Foreign aid, third world debt, aid conditionality, governance agenda- sovereignty, neoliberal bias and politics of international development, strengthening civil society in developing countries, NGOs, NGDO-donor relationships, non-government public action network and global policy processes, public-private partnership, multilateral institutions and developing world, world bank and NGOs, role of United nations in developing countries, world trade organizations, intellectual property rights and multilateral institutions, universal rights
Year: 2008
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