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Banking developments in India 1947 to 2007 : Growth, reforms and outlook

by Bhasin Niti
Published by : New Century Publications (New Delhi) Physical details: 288p ISBN:81-7708-113-6.
Subject(s): Banks and banking in India in History. -- India in Economic policy. -- Banks and banking. -- banking system an Introduction -- Central Banking - global experience : Monetary policy functions, bankers to the government and banks , Developmental functions -- Central banking in India (Reserve Bank of India) RBI : Sole currency authority, Controller of money and credit, Selective credit control, Controller of foreign exchange, Forign exchange regulation act (FERA) 1973, Foreign exchange Mangemnt act (FEMA) 1999, Distinguishing features of foreign exchange management act (FEMA) 1999, Source of economic information, Post-independence review of the role and responsibilities of RBI, Deposit insurence corporation(DIC), National bank for agriculture and rural development (NABARD), Export Import bank of India (EXIM Bank), Nationalisation of banks in 1969 and 1980, Sukhmoy Chakravarty committee and monetary policies, Post 1991 reforms and responsibilities of RBI, Financial sector reforms, External sector reforms, High level committee on balance of payment, Report of the committee on capital account convertibility, From FERA to FEMA, Forging exchange Reserves, Deregulation of interest rates, short-term liquidity management, Monetary management under capital inflow, payment and settlement system -- Commercial banks- from state monopoly to competition : Functions, Balance sheet of a commercial bank, Classification of commercial banks in India, Pre-independence history of commercial banks in India, Post-independence developments in commercial banking, Narasimham committee on banking system, Cash reserve ration(CRR) , Statutory liquidity ration (SLR), Structure of interest rates, Organisation of banking structure, Duality of control, Post-liberalisation banking reforms, Private banks, Regulatory and supervision of commercial banks,Nationalisation of Banks and shift in Focus, Post-liberalisation period, Basel norms, Reconstruction of financial assets and enforcement of security interest act 2002 -- Co-operative banks : Urban and rural cooperative banks, Medium- Term framework (MTF), Memorandum of understanding (MoU) with the state government, Know your customers ( KYC), Rural co-operatives, Prudential guidelines on agricultural advances,NPAs, Primary agricultural credit societies (PACS), Micro credit, Self helping groups, SHG, Kisan credit cards, Rural infrastructure development fund (RIDF) -- Development banks : All-India financial institutions (AIFIs), All Indian development banks -- Indian banking and modern technology : Information technology, Electronic banking in India, Upgradation of the supervisory system, Internet banking, Strengthening regulatory framework related to technology, Electronic money, E-security -- Assessment and future of Indian banking : Post-1991 reforms in banking sector, Forward rate agreements (FRAs) , Interest rate swaps (IRS) , 10th five year plan, Policy regarding public sector banks, International financial standards and codes, Basel II norms and its implications
Year: 2006
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