Capital formation in under-developed countries: Problems & prospects
by Bhargava B.K
Additional authors:
Mookerjee S.N
Published by :
Datta Book Centre
(New Delhi)
Physical details: Vii, 168p
Features of Under developed economics
Process of economic development: Supply of natural resources, Capital formation, Technical progress, Growth of population, formation of human capital
Problems of capital formation in poor countries : Capital in underdeveloped economies, Vicious circle of poverty
Size of the market and the inducement to invest : domestic market in poor countries, Salesmanship and advertisement, Population, Geographical area, Cost of transport and trade barriers , Level of productivity
Theory of balanced and unbalanced growth : Nurkse's explosion of the theory, balance between consumer goods and industries and the social overhead capital, Big push theory , balanced growth theory
path of balanced growth and the rate of economic development : in Agriculture, Forced savings and deficit financing
Critical minimum effort theory of economic development : Increase in per capita income and the induced increase in population growth rate
Disguised unemployment and capital formation : Surplus labour, Seasonal unemployment , Open employment, Capital formation and savings
Demonstration effect on consumption : Demonstration effect and the new theory of consumption, balance of payment
International transfer of capital: Direct business investment, international loans and grants, Bilateral and multilateral aid, foreign aid
Commercial policy and cpaital formation : infant industry argument for Tariff protection, tariff protection and capital supply , Rational of luxury import restrictions
Capital formation and public policy : Automatic mechanism to ensure voluntary savings , Fiscal policy and capital formation, Compulsory savings and forced loans, Public investments in Social capital projects
Year: 1974
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