Planning for forest resources and bio-diversity management: Principles, organization and methodology
by Bebarta Kailash Chandra
Published by : Concept Publishing Company (New Delhi) Physical details: 526p ISBN:81-7022-879-4.
Wild life Management
Introduction to forest resources and their silvicultural management : forest resource base, Forest management plan
Forest planning: Principles, Rationale and practices
Sustainable forest management,Principles and policy environment, Forest management plan, Wildlife management plan, Working plan officer
Field works: principles, organization and methodology
Stock mapping, Socio-economic survey, Soil survey and mapping, natural and regeneration survey, Bio-diversity, Stump and stem analysis, Forest inventory, Wildlife habitat, Forest maps and mapping
Data management, report organization and technical writing : collection, classification and presentation of data, Presentational organization of working plan reports
New tools of planning : Geographical information system and it application, Participatory rural appraisal (PRA), Micro planning, Eco-development, Technique for optimizing forest land use- developing inventory of forest soil resource for a forest division, national forest policy 1988
Year: 2002
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