Intermediate Economic Statistics
by Fox, Karl A
Published by : Wiley ( New York, ) Physical details: x, 568 p ISBN:0-85226-286-8.
Economics and Statistical methods
Review of economic concepts : Theory of the consumer, resource allocation and theory of the firm, Market demand supply, macroeconomics
Review of statistical concepts : Binomial and normal distribution, Statistical inference in normal populations, t-distribution, F-distribution
Simple regression and the measurement of economic relationships, Structural vs empirical regression relationships , Index numbers and time series, Simple regression analysis: alternative models: Intermediate case-experimental or non experimental, Correlation, Autocorrelation
Multiple regression analysis , Correlation and regression coefficient in small samples from non correlated populations, Multivariate normal distribution
Analysis of variance
Logical or structural analysis of economic times series :Microanalysis, policy implications of a structural analysis of economic time series for business firms, structural analysis of seasonal , trend and cyclical components of economic time series , Macroeconomic policy
Construction of larger-scale economic models: proving grounds for economic statistics, Klein-Goldberger model , Brookings institution-social science research council model, Large scale economic models
Identification, causal ordering and estimation in economic models : Least squares, Multiple equation models
Alternative methods of estimation in economic models : Method of least squares, maximum likelihood methods, Special situations involving simultaneous estimation, Bayesian method of estimation
Multicollinearity and the use of a priori information in economic models : Intercorrelation in the four-variable case, Zero intercorrelation case in determinantal notation
Measurement of economic aggregates: Measurment of price, quantity and income aggregates relating to consumers , Estimation of structural relationships from economic time series
Year: 1972
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