Management and participation in the public sphere
by Mervio Mika Markus
Published by : IGI global, (Hershey, PA : Information Science Reference, ) Physical details: 396p ISBN:978-1-4666-8553-6.
Political planning.
POLITICAL SCIENCE / Public Affairs & Administration
Social participation.
Four paradigms of archival history and challenges of future, elements, orders and modes of governance in development of finish wolf policy, media control and internet censorship in Russian federation, citizens, policy co-production and public sphere, study of young people's civic participation on internet, journalistic culture drives over democracy ideals in Namibia and Tanzania, managing community based work in virtual public spaces, before smart phones and social media- exploring camera phones and user generated images in 2000
Interrogating and reimaging the virtual public sphere in developing countries, online activities and Arab public sphere - case of YouTube and human rights, Israel's higher education innovation policy, enhancing information services through public-private partnerships- information technology knowledge information services through public private partnership- information technology knowledge transfer underlying structure of promote civic engagement, materialistic values and impulsive behavior in purchasing process between genders, voicing the subaltern in the public sphere- case of museum in a suitcase, constructing multicultural society on web- minorities on information society, TV license refusal and competition policy in hong kong- scope of public participation
Year: 2015
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